You are here: Statements and Functions > Sound
Syntax samples
SOUND <string expression>
SOUND "Chimes.wav"
SOUND "Tada.wav"
Plays a wavefile. Wavefiles, which have the extension .WAV, may be purchased commercially or created with a sound card. A few sounds, such as the examples here, come with Windows and are found in the Windows directory. Use SOUND to alert a model’s user that some event has taken place.
Any logic.
<string expression>
The DOS name of the wavefile to be played. This expression must evaluate to a valid DOS file. It may include a path.
The example below shows an entity’s operation logic. A variable called Total is used to keep track of the number of entities passing through the location. Every 100th entity to pass through the location will cause the sound "Tada" to sound, thus notifying the user of the 100th entity. In addition, ProModel resets the counter.